Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

Stack and prep. Repeat. It looks as if financial serfdom is planned for us by our leaders, who despite being elected by us act as if they had a mandate from God. Bullets, beans, bandages and bullion. "Stag-flation" even worse than the 70's is coming. Take what preparations you can. Pay off your mortgage, get rid of that expensive automobile that you may never manage to own. Simplify your life so that you need less of the things that will be scarce and pricey.

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Im sure the politicians have a loop hole for them selves.We regulars need to find it in their "codes" and "Regulations". For " TRUE LAW" has been obscured by their "LEGAL" system.

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" For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them..." 1 Thessalonians 5:3

Something is about to happen in our society and world order that will change our course history. As long as we know where we stand and who we believe in there's only hope and preparation to be done.

Thanks Leon, for this beautiful insight.

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Equity + inclusion = communism

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Completely agree. 😡

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A sovereign free life sounds nice if you are into that rootless kind of existence I suppose. An old saying is "you don't have to outrun the bear, just the guy next to you." This is is true in all walks of life. If you cannot keep your finances private then you are stupid. If you cannot keep your communications private then you are lazy and/or stupid. This last election has finally taught me that I share space on this rock with a lot of stupid people and therefore my vote/opinion (including the one voiced here) has no weight. What I say is this. Educate yourself and take action. Whining about the world is ineffective, a waste of time and honestly it's immature. If you don't wish to be treated like sheep then walk and talk like a predator while maintaining your level of morality. You can help and care for the livestock without becoming one of them.

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The desire for such invasive control is a sign of an unhealthy society.

The accountability for problems and blunders created at the top are passed down, instead of being dealt with.

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Sigrid Agnes Maria KaaG ...😔

Any person who had or has own, or has family members having former or current ties to entities like the WEF, Bilderberg, etc. should be banned from holding any public office for good, and should be kept under close scrutiny until end of life. Enough is enough !!!

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Most sobering, even though I'm well aware of the WEF'ers and the totalitarian nightmares they propose. I will share this article. Worst case scenario--this indicates what could happen should the people remain complicit and politically disengaged regarding the creation of alternatives. I address the alternatives in a recent article: https://rikitikitavi.substack.com/p/climate-as-the-boogeyman

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