Always love reading your articles. What would you suggest the average college student do to acquire this type of freedom?

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Excellent, pertinent and timely!

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Becoming a "citizen of the world" is not something that I can do at my age. What I have done is pay off my vehicle and my mortgage, and started stacking bullets, beans, bandages and bullion. I may not be able to storm ramparts any more but I can cover your retreat. At least I am in the "free state of Florida" which looks better than a lot of the country and only looks to improve. At least for a while.

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Very interesting that you send this article today. NPR (radio in usa) just did a program yesterday comparing Corp philanthropy over recent times. PPP but it's not healthy for the masses who generally lose some privilege as the price to pay for promoting a social benefit like curing measles. One thought is to discourage PPP and replace it with taxes and elected leaders to.manage how the money's are spent for betterment of all. Maybe but... that system has flaws too

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I love your writing, history repeating itself, so much education I get reading here. However, most of us are not even close to being in the position to do what you are doing? I am more on pace with Kelly Harbeson than I can ever hope to be with where you are at. What are the rest of us to do?

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Yes indeed--the "Stakeholders" maintain a powerful position--and if they need to, will tie us all to a stake and set it afire. In terms of off-grid actions and creating a Next Paradigm eco-financial model--we must realize how we [consumers on the treadmill] are complicit in supporting the maintenance of the old corrupt paradigm. Babylonian black magick has had it's day, and chattel slavery must be considered obsolete in order to evolve as human beings instead of human "doings."

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I just started reading your articles again on my email and couldn't believe the wealth of knowledge you have in history. I, for some reason stopped reading your articles on my email and now I'm backtracking and binge-reading. I'm thankful to you and Sorelle.

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