Great newsletter. CBDCs will be the end of freedom if allowed to pass.

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I think so too.

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Well said, I agree with you.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Abundantia

"a kid like me who grew up in the Australian bush with no power, no internet, and rainwater tanks"

Sounds like the perfect strategy to escape the global control bid... Just saying.

If they restrict our ability to fly (again) how will we get to any of the countries we've acquired passports for? So then that means we have to pick ONE place to live - we have to make a calculated guess as to which place will fight the hardest.

Plus, it seems logical that the further you are from cities, and off-grid, self-sustaining, the less leverage the govt will have on you. There are 3 necessities for life: food, shelter, water. If you can provide these 3 from your own land (that is protected in a Private Foundation so cannot be taken from you - because this is the vehicle all the big boys use for their land, so highest chance of being exempt from 'owning nothing') then you cannot be coerced into any digital control system for your basic survival.

I don't think a good resistance plan should hinge on mobility. That's already been taken and withheld for years. Even if you had your own plane and your own landing strip on your lands... how are you going to get permission to fly? Coercion could still exist to enter air space (no vax/microchip - no air space).


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In a situation like this, maybe you will have to choose just one place if travel becomes difficult/impossible. But wouldn't you prefer to have multiple options to choose from, instead of just one? It's not necessarily about mobility, it's about having options. A backup plan.

Take me for example; when I was born, I only had two options: Australia, and New Zealand (as Australians, we have the legal right to live/work in New Zealand indefinitely). And as we saw with COVID, both of those options weren't great ones in terms of personal freedom. As it stands today with my passports and residencies, and with the new passports I'll acquire this year, I'll have more than 30 options of nations I'll be allowed to live and work in. To me, that's the benefit of acquiring new passports and residencies.

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Ah very good point! Also good insurance if you get kicked out of a country - or highly pressured to leave. This has happened to me twice already (Kenya, USA) so not an unlikely scenario either.

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Mar 5, 2023Liked by Abundantia

Always well written. I learn something each article and it refocuses me on things I can change for the better - freedom.

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We know this is all coming to a head, but some people do not seem to have much choice in what they can do because of their age. For instance, an 80-year-old does not have the same ability as you to do the things you do or even suggest. They cannot get another passport or invest in things that take forever to hold. I would love to hear your comments.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023

Climate Change and Covid-19 restrictions were just a test to see how much of our individual freedoms that we could be frightened into giving up. I would say that many have "passed" this test by embracing green energy and shown their compliance by wearing those ineffectual masks. The Great Reset is another test to see who is complient and who is not. Such "tests" will be ongoing until the sheep are separated from the non-complient goats.

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Zenchipprime.com can be the alternative.

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Great letter, brings it all into focus. Thanks for the constant inspiration

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EloH how much A brick?

We have New Oil fund to speed =N

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The statement you make "authorities seeking how far they can push their agenda" opens up so many layers... especially around personal awareness and slipping into unconscious obedience and or control.

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Outstanding. Clear and accurate. Oh, and terrifying ; we will be as ready as possible.

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