Thank you for the wonderful article. It serves as an eye opener for those curious as to what history shows as an indication of where we are, why we are where we are, and some considerate commentary of what may be to come.

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Thanks for reading!

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An absolutely stunning newsletter full of knowledge. Wisdom and Knowledge, the PERFECT mix.

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Thanks for your kind words.

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This is all outlined in great detail in Mike Maloney's series, The Secret History of Money


Originally released in 2013 yet still relevant today.

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Didn't know this existed, but will definitely check it out!

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I think you will enjoy this series, I watched it many years ago and recently watched it for a second time with my family. Mike Maloney is amazing.

Do you have a recommended reading list available, or is this something you could do in a future post? I would like to know what financial books you read, even books on Rome, specifically the monetary policies that contributed to its downfall.

Thank you for your great Substack :) Excellent information.

On a side note, I also follow these guys on Youtube for good updates:

iAllegedly (USA)


Neil McCoy-Ward (UK)


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Thanks again!

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Brilliant! Thank you.

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Thanks for reading!

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Yet another informative article Leon, and I love the storyline preceding your messages.

With the demise of all Empires, there is inevitably, a phoenix that rises from those ashes.

In these unprecedented times of human metamorphosis and crisis being the driver of change, perhaps, just perhaps, the best investment we can make, is in our own consciousness.

If unconsciousness results in unwise and unintelligent behaviours, then the opposite is true, consciousness will result in more wiser, intelligent behaviours.

PS - Bring on July and 'The Manual!'

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While these are indeed opportunities to invest in, I was humbled to see this documentary produced in 2019 recently debunking the new technologies. There will be money to be made, but I can't help by think - at what cost? Are we simply chasing the dragon into the fire while fuelling the inferno ourselves? Planet of the Humans is the film. I would be curious if anyone wants to weigh in on the position it presented. https://youtu.be/Zk11vI-7czE

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I like your articles very much! Thank you for this! I don´t write/speaking English very well, sorry for this! It´s the first time I write to Abundantia, cause I think that it´s could be a different case. I am not a graduate person, and although I all try to seek the closer way of the truth in the geopolitical world, it seems, that there is no truth! I, in my ingenuous way, think that, there is a big hide deal, at this time. With the hi-inflation in everywhere, the "Hi-RULER`S of the World", are spread war in everywhere where they can in order to sell Big Guns, for more profit´s, while we all, became more and more poor! Than when they have finish this current WAR, they gain more money, buying bankrupt companies for a cheap prece in all countries in the world and make contracts to rebuilding the broken countries and give then big loans, in order to get a lot of fees, that we all will pay for. The Planet don´t growth, so how they think that we could expands the economy forever? We need another way to keep the of economy! Sore about this long poorly written text! Thank´s again!

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Great article, and thank you for the private link.

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Hi Leon, with investing in these special metals, do you mean investing in stocks from them? Thank you for that interesting newsletter! :)

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A mix. Metal stocks, vaulted storage, or holding some personally, could be a great idea.

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