Mar 13, 2022Liked by Abundantia

Great post that definitely sounds like woho things and conspiracy theories but sadly could and will be very possible, at least in my humble and uneducated opinion. Been born and raised in a "communist's" country and later migrated to a "capitalist" one i believe i have a somewhat unique perspective of the world, is like been born twice in two different worlds. I have noticed pretty much the same patterns in my now home as in my mother land. The words used, the way sentences are structured, the naming of "evils" that the "righteous" have to fight against. The push for a black and white point of view in us with no grays in-between and so many seemingly obvious but apparently invisible to most signs. All of that boils down to human nature and its many traits, one of them being greed. Money and power are very efficient motivators, capable of normalizing even the most absurd proposition. The only defense against it is knowledge, about the world, the past and mostly ourselves , fields that i admit I'm not too proficient at.

Again, great post, keep it up.

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really loved this post

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Weird how things work. I had to do an application for a well-known international courier company just now and as part of it, they ask that you agree to carbon offsets where they charge you more but you can feel good about yourself for being green - they even allow you to use one of their funky logos so you can tell your customers how great you are. It didn't make sense to me to do this, knowing that they weren't going to change the way their company operates. How could they - freight is what they do! So I opted out of their scheme....and then someone I follow on YT directed me to your post. I feel fully justified in my decision and I thank you very much for bringing this to light. We've all got to use our heads when these big companies try to spin us something!

I'll also be subscribing to Abundantia - keep up the good work!

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I was challenged about my urban footprint by an environmentalist many years ago. The conversation made me think that, even though many of us live 'within the system' (use of plastics and petrol for example) I can reduce my daily carbon use; even in a small way eg recycling instead of instant disposal. This small individual responsibility hastened my move to the northern Thailand countryside where time and change has slowed to a crawl. I was heartened today when my breakfast was wrapped in a banana leaf and secured by a toothpick - delivered by a lady on pushbike. Small but significant.

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I feel confused about the purchase of gold and silver. Should our focus be on off grid living so we can support ourselves to escape the likely government tyranny to come? If we are self reliant we won't be dependent, and our wealth won't be tucked away in a bank where it can be seized or managed against your will. Should we not separate from their control as best we can before it happens? What are your thoughts?

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It seems irrefutable now that Rosa Koire was absolutely correct regarding UN Agenda 21 as the inventory & control plan for inventory & control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, ALL INFORMATION & all human beings in the world as a plan that was ageed to by 179 nations back in 1992, the United nations plan called "The Agenda for the21st Century". see her on youtube & read her book "Behind the Green Mask" She's spot on with no woo just hard fact underpinned by real research & evidence, if we don't stand up to this we are screwed

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Good article! My fiancé talks a lot about carbon and how it’s a currency, but what you mentioned is a type of control I haven’t thought about before. We’re working towards making big changes with ISA Industries. Technology that Nikola Tesla was trying to get out there, it’s here, and we’re ready to make a shift the way energy is being used and change life here on earth.

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Wonderful article. Sadly, so very true!

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Thanks Leon. I've just started reading your newsletter but already appreciate the well structured approach and the obvious research you carry out in advance. Most importantly, I respect your ability to resist presenting your interpretations of the data you uncover as FACT. We're not exactly short of peoples perspectives nowadays so it's refreshing to see one presented in a way that encourages others to think further. Sadly, we're often too eager to assimilate the ideas of others without fully understanding them, let alone trying develop those ideas further and generate our own thoughts and subsequent beliefs. (I could go on ad-nauseam on this topic). Anyway, keep it up.

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Sorelle and Leon this post is definitely "Food For Thought" I simply had to share it with my LinkedIn network and on our Company Page. A great follow article would be be : How To Prepare For And Survive The Carbon Credit App?

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There's no doubt in my mind now that organisations and governments have been using the Covid crisis to lay the groundwork for digital ID with some level of social control. The WEF was promoting its CovidPass with *mandatory* carbon limits as early as July 2020 (link in my own piece). Now it's clear that the vaccines can't justify such measures, they're moving onto other 'justifications' such as the climate. 'Convenience' will be an argument we'll be hearing a lot of too.

Two things people can start doing from now: use cash wherever possible and lose or reduce the use of the smartphone. (I've never had one.)

Grateful to you guys for being on this.

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Whilst Climate Change is a natural phenonium, pollution is not. And that is where we are failing on a catastrophic scale, caused by an almost obsessive need to keep purchasing new goods - whatever they may be. Once again, it's the manufacturers that produce these pollutants with what seems to be a total lack of accountability. If we couldn't buy it, it wouldn't be destroying the planet. This is a rhetorical question; but why are they (manufacturers) not being held accountable? We know that we can use greener alternatives for anything made from plastic - you can literally make anything from Hemp for instance. Asking us to recycle our rubbish and consider our use of carbon to stave of climate change would be hysterical if it wasn't the biggest con of all time: literally making money out of thin air. Unfortunately, I believe there is little we can do until those business owners are held accountable. They are polluting the planet on the one hand, and getting richer on the other by making us pay for their insatiable greed and lack of humanity.

What can we really do to make a difference, if it's not too late already?

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