Wonderful piece factual concise & clear...Thank you

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Obrigado novamente, muito boa reflexão! Ainda creio que isto é uma armação para vender armas, reduzir população, aumentar autoritarismo imperial da NATO e coisas do tipo!

Não sou a favor dos ataques à Ucrânia, aliás, acho que nem deviriam existir exércitos e armas de destruição em massa, chega a ser ridículo o quanto se gasta para destruir! Mas a Darpa não pensa assim!

Talvez nem USA, Russia, China, ou qualquer outra nação o dinheiro subiu à cabeça dos lÍderes de todo o mundo (faz tempo), mas agora, perdeu-se o bom senso, tanto do agressor, quanto da vítma!

Abraços, do Brasil!

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Spot on. Thanks!

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Good explanation.

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Thank you for a very clarifying, mind-focusing article. To quote Invictus, the poem that kept Nelson Mandela going for 27 years, .”… I am the master of my fate..”

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Reminds me of the adage "if you can't change the wind, change your sails" applies. You need to know what's going on in order to adjust your sails appropriately, but the focus should be on what you can do, not spending too much time or energy lamenting the wind. If you're focusing on being debt-free, owning land, keeping some cash on hand, have (physical) precious metals as insurance, etc (you know, the fundamentals) then you're going to be able to adapt to some changes, be unaffected by other changes, robust against others, and be able to handle all but the worst storms.

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