There is a war against crypto with the EU trying to ban anonymous wallets and forcing people to use exchanges where they can be identified for 'tax' purposes. It's a war that will try to force us to use CBDCs. It's us versus the establishment and it's vital we don't lose this war, or mankind will be in chains forever. https://dontgetmestarted.substack.com/p/bitcoin-is-doomed-and-so-are-we?s=w

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From the beginning I have been skeptical of crypto currency. Despite the multitudes that told me that I just didn't understand how it works, I am not a total naif when it comes to using money to make money. It always seemed too much like a popularity contest. It seemed to me that the ONLY way for crypto to appreciate is if more people bought in, which implies that if investors start pulling out their funds to cover other losses, the value would drop. Exactly like stocks except that stocks have some intrinsic value, presumably. That at least one of the crypto currencies turned out to be nothing but a Ponzi scheme does not surprise me in the least. People that wish to hold wealth without holding physical assets in their own vaults are marks begging to be taken. Land is real. Precious metals are real. Crypto is not and never has been. Even more like "vaporware" than paper metals. If you can't hold it, live on it or fill your car trunk with it, it's not real.

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Euh... Sorry but they know how to take away your land from you and declare that owning gold is now illegal and you must sell it to the gov. They can invoke war or any reason they see fit. It was done in the past.

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Absolutely. They can take it away from you if you stand by and let them. Still preferable to just imagining that your paper metal, your crypto and your pension are really there when they are not. Do you have any suggestions? Any "cheese" to go with that whine?

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Who's whining? You're the one who said land and gold were real. And what are YOUR suggestions? What are YOU gonna do when 12 cops show up at your door?

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Do you really think ALL the LEO's and uniformed service people outgun the 400 million guns owned by American residents? What is your suggestion? Without a plan you are just a whiner. Me? I have plans and backup plans.

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Listen to this disturbing Interview about the BRICS nations, reserve currency and end of the petrodollar, if you dare


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On YouTube, search for, EVIDENCE THAT FTX WAS A DEEP STATE PLAN TO CAPTURE CRYPTO, by Mark Moss. See the evidence for yourself. In 37 minutes, right before your eyes, Moss offers a time line and news articles as fact and proof of this behind the scene diabolical plan.

Quick before YouTube takes his video down.

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Highly suggest people use DEXs. Learn how to keep your crypto in your wallet

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Has crypto intrinsic value ???

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Ride on top of it. You can stay within the system and use it to your advantage.

Brave new worlds are more fun to read about in the science fiction section of your library.

Re-watch The Laundromat with Meryl Streep. "The director of this movie has 2 of these vehicles (for money/assets/wealth) and 1 of the writers has 1."

You don't need to reinvent the wheel.

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I always thought and said NFT's were junk. Why would anyone pay more than 7 cents for a "bored ape" icon is beyond me. I was surprised when Abundantia was praising them, along with fine art (which is certainly not junk of course, but won't hold its value against the advent of incredible AI art). I did enjoy the story at the beginning about Zeno and really every one of these parables have been great. I read every one of them and thank you for your work.

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CEO of FTX was SBF, another of the JUICE-gang, like Rochelle Valensky from the CDC, Albert Bourla from Pfizer or Yuval Noah Harari from the WEF, all currently deceiving and trying to enslave the planets population ... 🤑 🤢 🤮

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I was interested in bitcoin about 5 years ago and I tried to get into it but it was so dammed complicated that I finally gave up. I was told I had to buy a wallet and then I needed a platform, then i heard one of them got hacked etc.. etc.. So, hating " the system " and trusting you Sorelle, and being one of the people, HOW do I get into it, if the value has gone down and timing is good (buy low, sell high). Any advice? Thanks.

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I keep thinking about the 'method' that governments may use when switching to CBDC. My point is, that when we pay into Crypto exchanges, our banking details are recorded. Therefore the "who" information is already known - to keep our 'crypto assets' private maybe easier as a wallet and its value is hidden from the issuing bank, but the Crypto-Exchange is already on record. How do we remain decentralised and yet have access to Fiat to make new purchases?

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I have not heard anything about this 12 week program for digital dollars. Where can I learn more?

Thanks Don.

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I agree with your sentiments on bitcoin, and Ethereum, being gold and silver, however, we need other base metals equivalence. Also, Monero, a true, private coin is an absolute must, no government or entity needs to be able to track every minute facet of a private individuals transactions with their currency.

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