Oct 22, 2023Liked by Abundantia

It's beyond our imagination to demand financial freedom from our government. They have allowed a specific area of debate and challenge and nothing else is permitted.

We really do accept this theft as normal. It's the way the mechanism is setup. The tax collector doesn't come by and talk to us to request or demand payment...no, the government made it the responsibility of the employer themselves to take a portion of our wages before we ever see it at all. Or it's taken out in one of the "hidden" methods. Out of sight, out of mind and out of our control. I have never felt like I had a say in where any of it is going either..

I think that bonding with your local community and beginning to be a participant is a good idea. We are atomized and separated from each other in this culture. Surrounded by many, yet alone and isolated. We must come together.

Thanks for the great read and message. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ€˜πŸ½βœŒπŸ½

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Oct 22, 2023Liked by Abundantia


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And more than just a little worrying.

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As a working professional in web 3.0, I don't see getting any better for masses.

The better, faster, more efficient sedation is coming. we all watched Meta ship their new glasses at the cost of airpods.

I'm not even sure how Zuck, as an individual, is working smarter and faster than the whole blockchain community.

I am still an optimist though,

If at all possible, how can someone join Abundantia's mission as a contributor to the team?

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I think wars are the biggest waste of money, achieved productivity, and not only should it be avoided, but the few responsible for making such decisions be held accountable with their lives on the line.

If we forced the entire world to get rid of all the weapons and focused on coexistence as a goal, how much more can we achieve and with so much less resources and time. Meaning we’ll have a lot of free time to work on our own stuff.

What a wasteful world we live

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Yes - but what to do about this? Move to countries we don't want to live in just to pay no or less taxes? Not everyone has the possibility to work as digital nomad - or does want to ;)

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My country (Holland) revolted against the mighty Spanish Empire for what we today would consider a 10% VAT and became an independent nation in the process.

Today I pay 56,01% over the highest part of my income in that same country and people give me a blank stare when I tell them about this little historical fact. The tax system is so complicated that most people just look at what ultimately ends up in their bank account.

Thanks for this great article. Change starts with awareness!

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Inflation wasn’t even mentioned which is another hidden tax from the printing of fiat money. As I was reading this article I thought that the taxes in England were going to be higher than today and that today was in such a balance that we don’t revolt but I was shocked to see it was actually completely the opposite. In your follow up can we look at how we were able to go from 0% to 70% without much resistance?

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Great post, again !! Thanks

English peasants, coerced to pay slightly more than 20% revolted most probably because

- if bowing down, most probably they would have to face famine and starvation in the next winter and

- were smart enough to fully understand that these funds were being used to finance the elite's (private) war in foreign lands, not the country's general wellbeing.

Current highly gullible pawns get easily feathered more than 80% without them raising pitch forks at every corner because

- productivity in all sectors, specially in the agricultural one has increased x-fold in comparison to the

ones in the previous centuries, thus avoiding direct famine and starvation and

- awareness about imminent life-threatening situations is fully erased due to three generations living

without any war in their own front-yards.

The latter allows the pharma-finance-military special interest-groups to hijack the system entirely, easily lining and filling their various pockets with windfall-profits by forever-wars since decades.

How comes, that now less than 1% own 46% of assets, but a whopping 55% have a mere 1% to share ??

Fortunately and hopefully 🀞🀞, things are gonna change soon and FAST !!

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wow. This rings all kinds of bells... I am infuriated to find out that many EU countries have baited and switched a bunch of digital nomads saying they would give them sweet tax breaks, only to shrug their shoulders later and take half of their money. I am now in Spain facing this situation and researching where to move next... Your article has come in the time when I'm very angry with the system. If there were others in the street with pitchforks, I would join them...

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Unfortunately in the case of DN visas, the tax-free period is usually very limited.

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Have a look at Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia.

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Here in the U.S. there are some businesses that function as cash-only, obviously to avoid taxes and / or be in a lower bracket. They are usually taco trucks, pop-up restaurants, food stands, that sort of thing, along with some landscapers and construction. I suppose this works for them for a while but isn't allowing them to expand past being a very small operation and also opens them up to theft, by the nature of cash.

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Great article guys.

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Wow! Great research. Just like to add, that descendents of people who survived the Black Death, also survived HIV, due to a mutation, Delta-32, that tracks back to the Athenian Plague, 2500 years ago. I have covered in my new book, Pandoras Box.

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Taxes in the 14th century were low and served to pay for the war and the elite.

At that time the tax rate was historically low as you say.

People did not have to pay taxes for schooling, since there were no schools, not for health care, nor for a decent sewage system or water providing system and more.

This is just a comment, I'm not saying that our tax rates as they are today are acceptable!



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How do we break free? Without getting kicked out? Australian citizen watching our Govt spend $360 billion on nuclear submarines ( I didn’t vote for that)

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I didn't either, even though legally I was able to. But I haven't voted in Australia since I left 15 years ago.

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