Many years ago when I realized that PayPal wanted access to my bank account, I cut them off. Not using them or ANY of their services, which meant that I had to drop all of my Patreon support to divers content creators. It is obvious (at least to me) that the other online financial services are if not part of, certainly on the same page as PayPal. It has become difficult to support any content provider without being enmeshed in the financial-industrial complex.

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Thank you for this useful information!

Not using Paypal anymore is one step

but how to delete my account and to be sure they don't have the link to my bank account?

Thanks for helping me out with the second step!

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Will the Government and media outlets that spread false information also be fined for the misinformation they spread? How about the one where if you get the vaccines you cannot catch the virus or if you get the vaccines you can't spread the virus, or the vaccines are safe? Do I need to give more examples?

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Awesome emails as always.

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Really, Alex Berenson? Very disappointing! He was, actually, reinstated through a settlement, not a judge decision based on evidences, a guy that makes lying a way of life.

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